
As well as our Statement of Assurance, we publish a range of financial statements covering at least the last 2 years. Earlier documents are available on request.

Our Medium Term Financial Strategy and Efficiency Plan are key to delivering value for money over the next few years.

We also publish procurement information and details of payments in line with the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.

See all of our transparency information.

Reserves Policy

In line with National Framework requirements we have published our Reserves Policy, giving more transparency to stakeholders of the purpose and level of the reserves held by the Authority.

Reserves Policy From 2020-21 to 2024-25.

Statement of Accounts

The Statement of Accounts is produced at the end of the financial year as required by the accounts and audit regulations.

The deadline for publication of the draft accounts for each financial year is 31 May and 31 July for the final audited accounts, in accordance with these regulations.

Statement of Accounts 2023/24

Audited Statement of Accounts 2023-24

Tyne & Wear FRA – Auditor’s Annual Report 2023-24, FINAL

Inspection Notice 2023.24 TWFRS

Delay in publishing unaudited Statement of Accounts 2023.24


LG Audit Letter – Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Authority 2023-24 – signed

Statement of Accounts 2022/23

Statement of Accounts 2022-2023

Auditor’s Annual Report 2022-2023

Notice of Conclusion

Public Rights of Inspection Notice 2022-2023

Delay in publishing audited Statement of Accounts for 2022-2023

Annual Governance Statement

The Annual Governance Statement provides assurance that our business is carried out legally and to proper standards, and that public money is:

  • safeguarded
  • properly accounted for
  • used economically, efficiently and effectively

It became statutory to produce an Annual Governance Statement separate to the Statement of Accounts in 2016.

Annual Governance Statement 2023-2024

Narrative Statement

Local authorities in England are required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 to publish an annual Narrative Statement.

This statement explains our financial position and supports interpretation of the financial statements. It includes:

  • a commentary on the major influences affecting our income, expenditure and cash flow
  • information on our financial needs and resources
  • analysis of our development and performance in that financial year
  • financial and non-financial performance indicators

Narrative Statement 2023-24

Revenue Budget and Capital Programme

The revenue and capital budgets are approved on an annual basis by the Fire Authority

Revenue Budget 2024-2025

Revenue Budget Report 2024-2025

Capital Programme 2024-2025

Capital Programme Report 2024-2025

Special service charges

We charge for special services provided to external organisations, individuals and companies in line with our scale of charges.

Special Services 2024-2025