Contracts and payments

Contract register

Contract Register January 2025 (PDF 110KB)

The register is updated quarterly.

Payment registers

The data displayed within the below documents comes from a range of internal systems, including SAP and our contracts register.

Under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, we’re required to publish registers on certain transactions:

Procurement projects above £5,000
Payment of invoices within 30 days

This table shows how Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service has performed in paying its suppliers in line with guidance under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (regulation 113).

Financial year Valid and undisputed invoices paid within 30 days Amount of interest paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirements in regulation 113
2021/22 95.00% N/A
2020/21 94.56% N/A
2019/20 95.06% N/A
2018/19 95.88% N/A
2017/18 94.81% N/A