
As a petroleum filling station owner or “keeper”, you have certain responsibilities under the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014. You can find more information on the Health and Safety Executive website.

If you are storing or proposing to store petroleum for commercial or retail purposes, you are required to have a current Petroleum Storage Certificate (PSC).

We are the Petroleum Enforcement Authority (PEA) for Tyne and Wear. We will issue a PSC only if it is safe to store and dispose of petroleum for the public and the environment.

If you intend to store petroleum, you will be need to complete a Dangerous Substances and Explosives Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) risk assessment.

Domestic and non-workplace storage

The regulations have provision for licensing domestic and non-workplace petrol storage where it is kept for private use only.  The Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 has more information on domestic storage.

Petroleum certification fees

The fees and charges payable for the granting of storage certificates under the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 are available within The Health and Safety and Nuclear (Fees) Regulations 2022

Band Litreage Annual fee
A Up to 2,500 ltr £48
B  2,500 – 50,000 ltr £65
C Above 50,000 ltr £137

Environmental enquiry service

We operate an Environmental Enquiry Service which allows customers to access information about the potential presence of underground petroleum storage tanks data relevant to a particular address in Tyne and Wear.

Make an environmental enquiry.

Notify us about planned forecourt work

If any work is to be carried out on your petroleum forecourt, please notify us 28 days before work begins.

You will be contacted soon by a Petroleum Officer who will offer advice free of charge.

Provide as much information as possible.
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