New bleed kits installed at Tyne and Wear Fire Stations

Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service (TWFRS) are proud to announce that emergency bleed kits have been installed on the exterior of all of its 17 fire stations across the region.

TWFRS has been working closely with the local charity Connor Brown Trust to identify the need to introduce life-saving bleed kits, and help raise awareness about the dangers of knife crime.

Bleed kits provide an essential ‘immediate first aid response’ to a life-threatening bleed.  The kit can buy crucial minutes until a member of the emergency services attends the incident to treat the injury.

Dave Leach, TWFRS Area Manager Service Delivery, said: “All local fire stations are recognised as safe havens in the local community and are available for the public to access at their time of need.

“This connection between the service and our residents across Tyne and Wear is an important factor behind the bleed kits being installed on the outside of all 17 stations.

“We introduced the kits last year to four locations across Wearside as part of a pilot scheme after working closely with the Connor Brown Trust.

“After the completion of the initial pilot the remaining 13 stations have now been fitted with the kits over the past few weeks.

“TWFRS have a close relationship with the Connor Brown Trust as Tanya and Simon regularly deliver talks to our fire cadets and Prince’s Trust programme participants to help educate them about the dangers of knife crime.

“We hope the bleed kits will provide the public with peace of mind knowing that a kit is located within their local community if ever required during a serious incident.”

The Connor Brown Trust was set up in memory of Connor Brown, who tragically lost his life at the age of 18 to knife crime after being fatally stabbed in Sunderland over five years ago. The charity aims to educate young people about knife crime and the impact it has on society.

Tanya and Simon Brown of the Connor Brown Trust were recently presented with a cheque by firefighters from Chopwell Community Fire Station.

The funds from a recent fundraising event went towards purchasing the bleed kit for outside of Chopwell Community Fire Station.

Tanya Brown, Founder and Director of the Connor Brown Trust, said: “The importance of these bleed kits is simple.  They have the potential to save a life.

“The kits contain vital emergency aids which can stem blood loss until the emergency services arrive.

“Bleed kits can make all the difference to someone with a catastrophic bleed. We lost Connor to knife crime as he sustained multiple injuries in the attack, which led to his death.

“Working alongside the TWFRS has been incredible. The fire stations were chosen as they are fantastic locations in the heart of the community, as most people know where their nearest station is.

“This familiarity is vital for the public when they need to locate the closest bleed kit in the event of an emergency.”

Also, throughout the bleed kit programme the project lead on behalf of Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service has been Station Manager, Andy Nelson.

Part of the funding for the bleed kits was generated from various fundraising activities organised by attendees of the Prince’s Trust TEAM programme at Farringdon and South Shields Community Fire Stations, and other events arranged by crews from across Tyne & Wear.