
Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service welcomes custodial sentence following attack on Gateshead Firefighters

Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service (TWFRS) has welcomed the 7 year custodial sentence that has been handed down by Newcastle Crown Court  to Mohammed Ghafour following an attack on two firefighters and two police officers in January this year.

Firefighters from Gateshead Community Fire Station were called to a property in Bensham, on January 24th, where they discovered smoke engulfing the flat and Mr Ghafour in the bedroom. Whilst they tried to rescue him, Mr Ghafour attacked the firefighters with a heavy glass ashtray, causing significant damage to one of the firefighter’s helmets. When the police arrived at the property, Mr Ghafour then attempted to attack two officers. He was successfully apprehended and charged with:

  • Arson with intent to endanger life, contrary to section 1(2) and (3) of the criminal damage act 1971.
  • Assault on emergency worker, contrary to section 39 of the criminal justice act 1998 and section 1 of the Assaults on emergency workers (offences act 2018)
  • Assault on emergency worker, contrary to section 39 of the criminal justice act 1998 and section 1 of the Assaults on emergency workers (offences act 2018)
  • Assault on emergency worker, contrary to section 39 of the criminal justice act 1998 and section 1 of the Assaults on emergency workers (offences act 2018)

Today, he has been jailed for 7 years with a further 3 years on licence.

Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Alan Robson said:

“We welcome the sentence that has been given to Mr Ghafour, which sends a very clear message that assaults on emergency service workers will not be tolerated. The safety of all our staff is paramount to us. This was a particularly abhorrent attack. Our firefighters were just doing their job – trying to rescue someone who appeared to be in danger. To have to face what could have been a life-threatening attack is beyond unacceptable and therefore we are very pleased with the sentence that has been handed down today. We will always look to prosecute anyone who attacks our firefighters.”

This is the first prosecution for TWFRS since the strengthening of the Assaults on Emergency Service Act (2018).

ACO Alan Robson

Detective Constable Mark Taylor, of Northumbria Police’s Central CID, said: “This was a disgraceful and unprovoked attack that saw the defendant endanger the lives of police officers and firefighters who were ultimately there to save his life.

“Ghafour was clutching a shard of glass and it was the officers’ belief that the defendant would have intentionally caused serious injury to those present had he not have been restrained with the use of force. By swinging his arms at police in an aggressive manner while clutching a shard of glass, Ghafour showed that he is a potential danger to our communities. I am therefore pleased that he now begins a significant custodial term. Officers come in to work every single day knowing they could be faced with dangerous or tricky situations, and clearly putting the safety of the public before their own is expected. However, when they are faced with such needless and unnecessary levels of violence and hostility, it is essential that those offenders are dealt with robustly and rightly brought to justice.”